Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Last Post... Until September

Though the official garden closing took place last Friday, a few things needed tending. So. . . this is the real final post, and the garden is now closed until September. (The lone bed with plants in the video belongs to Chris Hayes. It is filled with native, perennial plants that attract butterflies.)
By for now, and thanks for following our first season!
YouTube Video
- Posted by Scott using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Golden Trowel Award

The 1st annual Golden Trowel Award was awarded to Margaret. Her funky garden square produced loads of tomatoes and eggplant, and she cared for her plants consistently throughout the entire season.

- Posted by Scott using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Today the guys did a great job positioning the sixty-four 50 lb sacks of manure in the garden. They will mix it into the main garden beds over the next few days. The manure will break down even more over the summer and we will totally eliminate the possibility of root burn due to excessive nitrogen.

YouTube Video

- Posted by Scott using BlogPress from my iPad

Garden Flower

Though our gardening season is coming to a close, the beauty of the garden endures... This is a picture of one of the flowers in Jill's garden bed.

- Posted by Scott using BlogPress from my iPad